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Star Wars: The Last Jedi- Spoiler Free!

I finally had the opportunity to go and see Star Wars: The Last Jedi last night. I walked in excited to see the movie, sure, but without any real expectations. I have heard that it's incredible, I've heard that it's terrible. I really didn't pay all that much attention to analyzing the trailer, so walking in I felt very open to whatever I was going to see.

I didn't really like it.

Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. It had some fantastic visual effects and some fun scenes. The music was excellent. But it just felt lacking.

I've read a couple of reviews, and some have pointed to the fact that the characters are not all white males, and claim this is the reason some of the loyal Star Wars fans didn't love the movie. That may be the case for some, but I know it isn't for me. Rey is one of the bright spots that I absolutely love, and I really like the new cast. No, I think there was something else at play here.

My biggest pet peeve with this movie after watching it is that it feels like a setup for a new franchise, rather than a meaningful continuation of the story. I know Disney paid a whole lot for Star Wars with the expectation of making money off of it, and hey, more power to them. But the writing seems to completely ignore any meaningful sort of resolution. I don't want to get into details to avoid spoilers, but these movies make it look like everything that Luke, Leia, Han and the rest fought through, bled through and suffered through was meaningless. None of it mattered. There will always be more bad guys. The Galaxy will be forever doomed.

Maybe this is the message they were going for. But in my opinion, that is a pretty lame statement. I could be wrong. This could be the low point that feels that way, so it sets up an even more significant episode in the future. But it didn't feel that way, and I guess that is what is holding me up from straight up recommending this movie.

Agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear what you think about this movie, leave a comment below and don't forget to subscribe. Thanks, and as always, take care, and I'll catch you next time.
